Friday, April 30, 2010

Kangen Dafa-quw

Adik sepupu terkecilku, namanya Daffa Dewantara

Dia yang paling menggemaskan di saat kami berkumpul keluarga besar Affandi.
Dia si kecil paling bawel dan interaktif di antara kami cucu2 Almarhum Eyang Affandi.
Dia cucu laki-laki ketiga-nya Alm. Eyang dan Almh. Nini

Daffa di hari pertamanya masuk Play Group

Daffa waktu di rawat di RS gara2 demam tinggi dan stip.

Daffa dengan kue Naruto-nya di hari ulang tahun

Sholat Ied tahun 2009

Daffa, teteh kangeeeeennn...
Terakhir kali dia bilang via telpon, 'hah? ada es krim teh? yah, daffa gak kebagian dong. terus ada apa lagi?'
Saat itu Daffa gak dateng di acara keluarga tahun baru. Karena hasrat kangen dan pengen ngisengin dia, biar dia ngiler, ya udah, aq telpon n pamer es krim n coklat deh. Hihihii..

Kini, Daffa kami sudah mulai pintar main game, ngotak-ngatik handphone-nya, belajar wushu, dan yang terpenting, Daffa tambah pinter baca Iqro. Hehheee..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

EXILE ただ・・・逢いたくて PV

Tada Aitakute by : Exile

It's a nice song
Wish i could play this song someday :-)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

a Trip to Germany Awaits You !!

Saya ingin sekali mencoba program ini,, tapi apakah bisa?? Inspirasi ttg lingkungan jg belum ada... hmmmppfff...

Bayer Young Environmental Envoy, Indonesia
BYEE Program now in its 7th year in Indonesia
If you are an Indonesian citizen, between 18 to 24 years old, single, and presently enrolled in a college/university, and with a passion for the environment, take up the challenge to become a Bayer Young Environmental Envoy!

Deserving students from all over Indonesia will be selected to be Bayer Young Environmental Envoys (BYEE) and will participate in a live-in Eco-camp that is held in a local venue. The top four envoys will join youth delegates from 18 other countries around the world on a weeklong all-expense paid trip to Germany on November 7 - 12, 2010. It will be an opportunity to gain new insights on the broad spectrum of environmental protection measures employed by industry, municipalities, and the state environmental authorities in Germany.

Who is eligible
Indonesian citizen, College/University student enrolled in any institution as of April 1, 2010 (students graduating in April 2010 are eligible to join)
18 to 24 years old by September 1, 2010
Actively involved in environmental activities or projects
Willing to travel overseas
Should be able to work well within a group
Good oral and written English communications skills

Children and relatives up to the second degree of consanguinity, or persons, whether they are related or not, living with any of the following are not eligible to join the contest:

Employees of Bayer, their agencies or independent contractors engaged in the project
Individuals or companies engaged in the development, production, or distribution of materials for the project

How to join
Financial crises and economic downturns spell tough times for the environment. Safeguarding the planet at a time of economic recession is often seen as a luxury, and at times, a burden on economic recovery and development. On the other hand, reality has shown that the Earth itself is what ultimately controls economic activity because it is the source of the materials upon which economic activity works.

Write your individual proposal, therefore, for a simple environmental project in your community or school which demonstrates that environmental protection and economic growth can go hand in hand.

In no more than 100 words, describe the current situation and environment related problems in your local area or school.
Name a few practical solutions to the problem that either government/industry/NGOs or your school/community has so far carried out.
Draw up a personal project you intend to do to help alleviate this problem, and state your objectives and deliverables.
Indicate resource requirements like budget, manpower, facilities, as well as institutions/groups involved, making sure that all necessary resources are within your reach. Compare resources and costs with the benefits you expect to gain.
In no more than 200 words, say how this project can be beneficial for both the economy and the environment. Explain also why your environmental project makes economic sense.

Fill out the entry form and attach a 4x6 cm color photo of yourself.
Attach the following documents: certificate of cumulative GPA (IPK, minimum 2.5) from your institution, copies of identification card (KTP/SIM), and proof of environmental award (if there is any) received.
All entries must be accompanied by a project proposal. Incomplete application form and entry requirements will not be processed.
Secure the endorsement of a faculty member OR the school academic department head OR college/university dean OR academic vice-president OR president.
All applications should reach Bayer by May 19, 2010.
Project proposals must be written in English and double-spaced. Handwritten or e-mail entries will not be accepted.
Project proposals, which are adaptations/upgrades of already existing projects are acceptable, but the entry will be judged solely on the basis of new elements introduced and their added value. Pre-existing work or accomplishments prior to the official start-up date will not be given any credit.
Successful finalists shall be asked to begin implementing their respective projects by June 25, 2010. A premature start of the proposed project will be grounds for disqualification.
While the project proposal should be the applicant’s own concept, the project itself may be carried out by any number of people, with the applicant taking significant role in its implementation.
The project must be completed or come close to completion by September 22, 2010.
The judges’ decision is final for all aspects of the competition.

Judging and selecting
Applicants will be shortlisted based on the content of their project, leadership and environmental know-how and involvement.
A panel of judges will interview each of the shortlisted candidates to determine their intelligence and understanding of environmental issues, their communication and people skills, as well as the feasibility of their project proposals.
Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed. PT Bayer Indonesia will bear all costs for the travel, meals, and accommodations of shortlisted candidates going to the interview.
Successful applicants who qualify for the final round will be required to attend an environmental live-in workshop called the BYEE Eco-Camp. All charges for the travel, accommodations, and upkeep of participants will be shouldered by PT Bayer Indonesia.
At the end of the Eco-Camp, the finalists will be asked to make a presentation before another panel of judges. They will be given the formal title of Bayer Young Environmental Envoy at an awarding ceremony.
Four of these finalists will be declared as the Top 4 Bayer Young Environmental Envoys and will be given the opportunity to participate in a weeklong all-expense paid study trip to Germany on November 7-12, 2010.

All applications should reach Bayer by May 19, 2010

Please read the application form thoroughly. Online or e-mail applications will not be accepted and only complete application forms will be considered.

Applications should be sent to:
Corporate Communications
PT Bayer Indonesia
MidPlaza I, 12th Floor
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11
Jakarta 10220

For more information, call PT Bayer Indonesia at Tel. 021 570 3661 extension 1367 or Fax. 021 570 3660


Di suatu sore, mas klien mengantarkan dokumen-dokumen pendukung audit yang saya request.
Mas : Lyd, ini voucher2 payment en receive-nya ya…
Saya : Oke, terima kasih…
Mas : eh, udah kan request vouchernya? Banyak banget gila!! Puyeng gw!!
Saya : Hahhaa,,, ya lus, karena lo senior gw (baru tau bahwa si mas ini senior saya di kampus :D)
Mas : Yaelaah,, jangan dong lyd,,
Saya : Hahhaaa…
Teman : Eh lus, klo yang ini gimana (sambil menujuk laptop di depannya)
Mas : O itu siy ………. (menjelaskan panjang lebar)
Saya : Eh Lus, temen2 gw gak kenal tuh sama lo! Hahaha
Mas : masa siy? Gw kan terkenal di kampus, emang lo nanya ke siapa?
Saya : Yaa,, temen2 KU (Kelas Unggulan) gw…
Mas : ah,, gw terkenal koq di kampus… hahahhaa
Saya : huu,, dasar lo! Eh Lus, klo gw mo ngopy dimana? (sambil mengangkat2/ memperlihatkan dokumen)
Mas : hmm,,, ngopi ya??
Teman : Iya lus, gw juga mo ngopy
Mas : Ngopi ya? Di ruangan gw bisa… ada koq.. di sini jg bisa (sambil menunjuk ke arah belakang).... Eh tapi, gak ada gula… di ruangan gw aja deh!
Saya : Hahh gula???!!
Saya dan teman tertawa terbahak2….. (wuahahahahhaa) sambil mengetok2 meja…
Si Mas terbingung-bingung…
Mas : haa??
Teman : ya ampun lyd, senior lo tuh! Senior lo!
Saya : (masih tertawa terbahak-bahak)
Saya : kakak senior… kakak senior.. hahahah.. ini lho maksudnya (sambil menunjuk dokumen2)
Mas : Ooo,, hehehe…
Teman : hahha,,, senior lo tuh ya , Lyd..
Mas : tau deh…. (dengan wajah memerah)

Saya dan temna masih tertawa terbahak-bahak..

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I Just Wanna Say, I Love YOU...

Illahi Robbi,

Aku mencintai-MU....
Maka kuatkanlah aku dalam menegakkan syariat-MU
Maka kuatkan aku dalam menghadapi segilintir warna-warni kehidupan yang Engkau berikan
Maka tuntunlah aku dalam keistiqomahan di jalan-MU

Illahi Robbi,
i just wanna say.. I love YOU....
I have nothing but YOU..
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